Tagged: google

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Yes, AI Is Even Smarter And More Disruptive Than We Thought

Is Google’s search monopoly over? In this podcast I give you some striking insights we’ve learned from our Galileo rollout, and explain how AI is about to radically change the HR Tech and consumer landscape. It’s not as scary as it seems, but it’s clear to me that HR Tech vendors, analytics experts, and all ... Read more»

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AI Mania. ChatGPT vs. Google Bard vs. You. Who Will Win? Do We Care?

This podcast is a review of last week’s massive set of announcements from Microsoft and Google about Chatbots. Rather than try to summarize what you’ve already read, I spend time talking about the implications of all this. Here are a few highlights:

Is Microsoft’s statement that “search will be reinvented” really correct and could this ... Read more»

The Congressional Report on Big Tech: Yes It’s Time To Do Something

The Congressional report on Big Tech is an important document. While I know many will see it as partisan, I found the research thorough and filled with important information. And my conclusion is yes, we do need to take some action.

How Important Tech Has Become

I’ve been a part of the tech industry since ... Read more»

Google for Jobs: Disrupting The $200 Billion Recruiting Market?

Have you ever looked for a job? Of course you have. It’s a daunting process, and one which Google hopes to make easier than ever.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 20-24% of Americans change jobs every year (ADP global research says it’s 27%), which means more than 41 million people are searching for ... Read more»

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

Late last year I attended two major talent and leadership conferences in Stockholm. At these events I had the opportunity to meet with various HR leaders at Electrolux, Ericsson, Logica, BT, Maersk, Grundfos, Unicredit, Bertelsman, and others. What I learned is something important that we are building into a broad research framework I plan to ... Read more»

The Agile Model comes to Management, Learning, and Human Resources

The Agile Model comes to Management, Learning, and Human Resources

Over the last five years the business of software development has been totally transformed by the concepts of agile development.  So is the business of Management and Human Resources.

What is  the Agile model of software development? Instead of using the traditional “waterfall” approach to building software (which involves a step-by-step process of requirements ... Read more»

Google Studies Management and Uncovers…. the Fundamentals

Google Studies Management and Uncovers…. the Fundamentals

An article in the New York Times today describes Google’s Project Oxygen, a statistics driven research project to study what makes good managers.  Google’s People Analytics team apparently studied the attributes of high-performing teams and published the “Eight Habits of Highly Effective Google Managers.”  Apparently Google believes that its management style is very unique, so ... Read more»

Recruiting Collusion among Top Silicon Valley Companies

Recruiting Collusion among Top Silicon Valley Companies

Yesterday the US Department of Justice announced a proposed settlement against Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit, and Pixar for colluding not to “cold-call” recruit employees from each other.

Consider the implications of this practice:   HR and business leaders at these these leading silicon valley companies sat together and agreed “if you don’t poach my people ... Read more»