Category: Talent Strategy

Talent Strategy is a high-level initiative to define “what kind of talent” a company needs. This may include strategies for full-time vs. contingent talent, when to outsource certain jobs or roles, how to use part-time vs. full time people, and when to use external agencies or talent networks. A Talent Strategy is often developed at a functional level but sometimes across the whole company to make sure there is a pipeline of people moving from role to role in a strategic manner.

the new labor market

The Labor Market Has Totally Changed: Are You Really Ready?

The labor market has changed before our eyes. Employers and HR teams better watch out.

Over the last five decades baby boomers defined the workforce. Today things could not be more different, and this change impacts all of us.

I was born in the 1950s, growing up in a world where the middle class experienced ... Read more»

Secrets To Recruiting In A Crazy Labor Market: On-Demand Pay And More

Let’s face it, recruiting is getting tough. With more than 14 million jobs open in the US and people getting on planes and going back to restaurants, demand for everything has skyrocketed. And as most of you know, the supply chain of people is stretched thin.

As companies build their hybrid work strategies (our new ... Read more»

Not Enough Workers: Rethink Recruiting In The New Economy

The global recovery from the Pandemic is creating some pretty big changes: people working remotely, new safety and wellbeing programs, and more digital tools than ever. But the biggest of all is now clear: we’re not going to have enough workers to go around.

I discussed this in an article last month, and this ... Read more»

workday skills cloud

Workday Skills Cloud: A Big Idea With Much More To Come

In the Fall of 2018 Workday introduced the Skills Cloud, a new offering designed to help companies create a “skills ontology” that discovers the skills (and skill gaps) in your workforce. While it sounded like a fascinating concept, we hadn’t heard much about it until Workday Rising this Fall.

Well, I just spent a ... Read more»

The Company As A Talent Marketplace: Unilever and Schneider Electric Show The Way

Over the last ten years, we’ve seen a lot of digital business disruption. Amazon disrupted Wal-Mart. PayPal disrupted Visa. Tesla disrupted GM and Ford. And Facebook and Google disrupted just about everyone.

And this disruption was not just caused by good ideas: it is driven by speed. These disruptive companies have new ideas, they test ... Read more»

There Is Now A Job For Everyone Who Wants One: What Does This Mean?

Last week the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that there are now as many job openings as their are unemployed Americans (6.6 million). In many ways this is an amazing feat, one which would seem to be very good news for all of us. 

While most of us see this as good news, we know ... Read more»

Google for Jobs: Disrupting The $200 Billion Recruiting Market?

Have you ever looked for a job? Of course you have. It’s a daunting process, and one which Google hopes to make easier than ever.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 20-24% of Americans change jobs every year (ADP global research says it’s 27%), which means more than 41 million people are searching for ... Read more»

The Talent Analytics Market Heats Up With New Cloud Offerings

The Talent Analytics Market Heats Up With New Cloud Offerings

Workday Introduces Predictive Analytics: Workday Insights Applications

The market for corporate talent analytics has gotten red hot in the last two years. Almost every major organization we talk with wants to build a “data-driven HR” program to help understand who to hire, identify the factors that drive retention, analyze employee engagement, and apply data to ... Read more»

High-Impact Talent Acquisition:  European Edition

High-Impact Talent Acquisition: European Edition

European UntionI just finished two weeks in Europe and attended the iRecruit Conference in Amsterdam. In addition to talking with many talent acquisition leaders and vendors, we previewed the findings of our upcoming High-Impact Talent Acquisition research which I will highlight below.

1.  Social tools and “talent networks” are a hot topic.

With the ... Read more»

Why you should come to IMPACT on April 10-13…

Why you should come to IMPACT on April 10-13…

We are all getting excited about our upcoming research conference IMPACT 2012:  The Business of Talent®.

There are seats left, but the conference will likely sell out (as it has in prior years), so let me give a few big reasons to take a few days of your valuable time and come to the ... Read more»

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

Late last year I attended two major talent and leadership conferences in Stockholm. At these events I had the opportunity to meet with various HR leaders at Electrolux, Ericsson, Logica, BT, Maersk, Grundfos, Unicredit, Bertelsman, and others. What I learned is something important that we are building into a broad research framework I plan to ... Read more»

BersinBasics Pioneers a New Way to Learn the Fundamentals of Talent Management

BersinBasics Pioneers a New Way to Learn the Fundamentals of Talent Management

We all know that talent management is a hot topic in business today.  SAP’s acquisition of SuccessFactors for $3.4 billion demonstrates how important this market is to businesses around the world.

But ultimately it isn’t software that drives business results: it’s the practices of talent management that matters.  Our research shows that companies which ... Read more»