Tagged: Saba

cornerstone saba

Cornerstone Acquires Saba: A Market Leader Acquires A Pioneer

Today CornerstoneOnDemand announced plans to acquire Saba, cementing the consolidation of the enterprise learning management systems market. Together, the combined company would have total recurring revenue of around $818 Million in 2019, making the company a near billion-dollar recurring revenue company.

While this makes Cornerstone a force to be reckoned with, it represents the ... Read more»

Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Market Grows Up: Now Too Big To Ignore

The learning experience platform (LXP) market is growing up fast.  Only a few years ago startup companies like Pathgather, Degreed, and EdCast pioneered the idea of a platform to make corporate learning content easy to find. These next-generation portals took off and now thousands of companies are looking to put their Learning Management System ... Read more»

A New World of Corporate Learning Arrives: And It Looks Like TV

Over the last several years the corporate learning marketplace has been under stress. Video-based learning programs, free courses, MOOCs, and hundreds of high fidelity technical and professional programs have arrived, but corporations have struggled to deal with it effectively. As I describe in the article “Digital Learning: Ten Things We Have Learned,” the ... Read more»

Update on Saba:  Turnaround In The Making?

Update on Saba: Turnaround In The Making?

sabaLast month Saba, a pioneer in the market for enterprise learning and talent management systems, held its annual customer conference (more than 700 learning and HR professionals attended).  I had a chance to meet with the management team, talk with many customers and employees, and talk with Saba’s new owners (Vector Capital).

My conclusion, ... Read more»

Saba Announces PeopleCloud and Acquisition of Human Concepts

Saba Announces PeopleCloud and Acquisition of Human Concepts

This week Saba made two major announcements.

First, the company introduced a bold new product offering, Saba PeopleCloud, an integrated new “work environment” which pulls together corporate social networking, knowledge sharing, real-time collaboration, web conferencing, and all of Saba’s formal learning technology in a brand new platform.

Saba essentially invented the market for corporate learning ... Read more»

The Integration of Talent Management Systems Comes to Forefront

The Integration of Talent Management Systems Comes to Forefront

The talent management systems market has been under quite a bit of stress lately.

In the last 90 days we have seen SAP’s acquisition of SuccessFactors, followed by Oracle’s acquisition of Taleo, and then the smaller Kenexa acquisition of Outstart and PeopleFluent acquisition of Strategia.

And while all this is going on, CornerstoneOnDemand... Read more»

Kenexa Acquires Outstart: Getting Serious about the Corporate Learning Market

Kenexa Acquires Outstart: Getting Serious about the Corporate Learning Market

This week Kenexa, one of the largest and most successful HR and talent acquisition consulting companies, announced the acquisition of Outstart, a pioneering company in the market for e-learning tools, learning management, collaboration, and mobile learning solutions. This represents a major move for Kenexa, putting the company firmly into the market for training tools, ... Read more»

Talent Management Software Vendors get a C+ in Customer Satisfaction

Talent Management Software Vendors get a C+ in Customer Satisfaction

We just completed a year-long research study on the customer experience with talent management software. Despite the sky-high market valuations for these companies and the growth rate of the market, these products are not fully meeting customer needs. In fact, among the 1,146 companies we surveyed, their average overall satisfaction is 3.65 on a scale ... Read more»

Stepstone becomes Lumesse – Focus on People not Software

Stepstone becomes Lumesse – Focus on People not Software

Today Stepstone Solutions, one of the largest providers of talent management software solutions, changed their company name to Lumesse. While everyone has their own opinions of naming and branding strategies, I personally believe that this is a very valuable move.

Stepstone, a company with more than 1,700 licensed customers, is a large global software ... Read more»

Saba Earnings show Growth and Momentum – Now Truly a SaaS Company

Saba Earnings show Growth and Momentum – Now Truly a SaaS Company

This week Saba Software released one of its strongest financial results in many years. Saba, which pioneered the market for enterprise learning management systems, has now turned the corner in its transformation into a SaaS software company. Some of the highlights which I believe are important:

  • Saba’s total revenues grew by 14% year over year
... Read more»
New Internet Bubble hits Talent Management Market

New Internet Bubble hits Talent Management Market

Remember the dot.com bubble of 1995-2000? I do, and it’s back again. But this time it has a new face, it talks about SaaS, highly connected social applications, mobile apps, and talent management software. Talent management software? Yes, SaaS-enabled talent management apps have become one of the hottest investment areas in enterprise software.

The proof ... Read more»

Taleo Acquires Learn.com:  A Shoe Drops in the LMS Market

Taleo Acquires Learn.com: A Shoe Drops in the LMS Market

Today a shoe dropped in the Learning Management Systems Market:  Taleo announced plans to acquire Learn.com.

Let me discuss this announcement from three perspectives: first, the impact on the market; second, the impact on Taleo and Learn.com customers; and third, the impact on you as a prospective LMS buyer.

(ps.  Kenexa also announced the ... Read more»

Talent Management Systems: Market Update

Talent Management Systems: Market Update

The talent management systems market continues to grow and consolidate at the same time.   With a busy summer and lots of time spent on Learning Culture and other topics, I have not had time to talk about the talent management software space.  (I’m attaching our recently introduced “New” Talent Management Framework to help you understand ... Read more»

2010 Talent Management Systems Customer Satisfaction Released

2010 Talent Management Systems Customer Satisfaction Released

Talent Management Systems Satisfaction 2010After almost a year of effort we just released our first-ever Talent Management Systems Customer Satisfaction research. We will be publishing this annually, with next year’s results to coincide with the HR Technology Conference in Fall of 2010.

If you are a talent management systems owner, buyer, or vendor I recommend you read this – ... Read more»