Tagged: microsoft

What Microsoft Could Do With TikTok!

I have been loving TikTok for quite a while. Not only is it entertaining, positive, and fun to use – it demonstrates a groundbreaking new design, one that clearly works well (800 million users!). And while you may think the company is a bunch of hackers, that’s not true. ByteDance is a sophisticated ... Read more»


Microsoft Formally Enters the HR Tech Space: And The Strategy Is Compelling

As many of you know, the HR Tech space got pretty hot and exciting this year.  Workday and ServiceNow each grew at over 30%, SAP acquired Qualtrics for $8 billion, ADP launched its NextGen HCM, and private equity players invested billions of dollars (Kronos, Ultimate Software, Infor, Saba, and others). 

Why all this investment? It’s ... Read more»

Guess Who’s Looking At The HR Tech Market? Microsoft.

Over the last few months, I’ve been spending time with Microsoft, and the company is doing some interesting things in the HR Tech space. In this article I’d like to give you some background, and share why I believe Microsoft is going to have a big impact on the market.

First point:  Microsoft is on ... Read more»

How LinkedIn Became A Powerhouse in Corporate Learning: And What Could Be Next

Since the acquisition of Lynda.com in 2015, LinkedIn has become a tidal wave in corporate learning. It feels like they’re going everywhere, and you don’t want to get in the way.

If you go back only a few years (June of 2016 when LinkedIn was acquired by Microsoft), LinkedIn was primarily a professional ... Read more»

Is IT a profession in Crisis? Why IT professionals feel left out.

The world of Information Technology has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Decades ago, Information Technology (IT) was considered a creative and strategic profession. These individuals developed applications, integrated systems, architected data structures, and were responsible for many of the most strategic technologies in business.

Today, however, IT is far less sexy, and one ... Read more»

The Business Case for Talent Management:  Steve Ballmer Agrees

The Business Case for Talent Management: Steve Ballmer Agrees

Talent management makes money.

If you are trying to build a business case for a corporate talent management program, here is some astounding data:

Of the 700+ organizations we studied in 2010 and 2011, only 7% told us that they have a “strategic talent management” program. We defined talent management in four levels of ... Read more»

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

Late last year I attended two major talent and leadership conferences in Stockholm. At these events I had the opportunity to meet with various HR leaders at Electrolux, Ericsson, Logica, BT, Maersk, Grundfos, Unicredit, Bertelsman, and others. What I learned is something important that we are building into a broad research framework I plan to ... Read more»

From E-Learning to We-Learning

From E-Learning to We-Learning

The corporate training industry is undergoing some major changes.  Over last few months we have been involved in many discussions with organizations about the tremendous needs to build, manage, and formalize their social and collaborative learning programs.   This is being driven by many factors:  the slowing economy, the “always-connected” nature of the workforce, and the ... Read more»

Lessons from Yahoo:  Enduring Organizations Manage Executive Succession

Lessons from Yahoo: Enduring Organizations Manage Executive Succession

This week we witnessed another vivid lesson in the value of executive succession: Jerry Yang steps down as the CEO of Yahoo!. Yang replaced Terry Semel, who spent years trying to build Yahoo! into a media company, only to see it lose market share to the more innovative, technology savvy Google. Yang presided over an ... Read more»

Enterprise Social Software:  A New Category

Enterprise Social Software: A New Category

This week we introduced some important and groundbreaking research on a new, important category of enterprise software:  the market for corporate Social Software platforms.   Traditionally our research has focused on identifying the strategies, processes, and systems which help corporate HR and L&D drive effectiveness and business value.  But as we continued to study the ... Read more»

Social Networking in Talent Management:  Where are we?

Social Networking in Talent Management: Where are we?

Whew.  Earlier this year we embarked on a major research effort to understand the growing role of social networking in enterprise learning and talent management.  The results are amazing.   Let me give you a brief preview of some of our initial findings:

  1. Organizations are working mightily to figure out how to leverage social networking (blogs,
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