Tagged: employee experience platform

Goodbye To Workplace by Meta, Hello To Workvivo by Zoom

Today Meta announced that it is shutting down its employee communications tool Workplace by Meta (which I found to be very successful) and turning over the business to Workvivo by Zoom.

This is actually a very significant move for HR and IT teams: there are more than 7 million corporate users (it was originally called ... Read more»

Enter Microsoft Viva Engage. A Real Social Network For The Enterprise?

This week Microsoft slipped in a little product launch that is more significant than you think: a new application in the Microsoft Viva family called Viva Engage. And it has a lot of implications for HR and collaboration software.

What precisely is this? I think Yahoo News summarized it well: this is Facebook and ... Read more»

Microsoft Brings Glint Into Viva: A Shoe Drops In The Employee Experience Market

This week Microsoft made a significant move: moving Glint from LinkedIn into Microsoft Viva, building what Microsoft calls “Employee Feedback In The Flow Of Work.”

Glint is one of the leading providers of employee listening and action platforms, competing with the likes of Medallia, Qualtrics, Peakon (owned by Workday), CultureAmp, and Perceptyx. These companies ... Read more»

ServiceNow Does It Again: Rome Release Pushes The Envelope

I know I’ve written a lot about ServiceNow lately, but there’s even more to talk about. The Rome release, just announced, has the potential to further upset the HR Technology product stack, so I want to give it some press.

First, as I’ll talk about in my HR Tech keynote this month, the entire ... Read more»

Josh Bersin Podcast 0

The Architecture Of Employee Experience Solutions

The EX market is so dynamic it feels like every tool, vendor, and platform is moving in this direction. In this podcast I describe the three layers of EX and how you can think through what goes where. The three layers are A) the productivity tools layer, B) the workflow or journey tools layer, and ... Read more»

Research Reveals Secrets To Success With Human Capital Management Systems

We have been studying HR technology projects for years and they can be complex and risky. Companies tend to upgrade or replace of their core HCM technology every 7-8 years and when they do it’s a massive change. Not only is it expensive and time-consuming, but these projects can interrupt business growth and take attention ... Read more»

Not To Be Outdone, ServiceNow Ups The Ante in Employee Experience

Over the last few weeks, everyone has been excited about Microsoft Viva. Microsoft’s intense focus on the need to simplify and improve employee’s work lives has been wildly exciting and both buyers and vendors have been lining up.

But Microsoft isn’t the only vendor interested in this and Microsoft can’t do everything. So ServiceNow, ... Read more»

Josh Bersin Podcast 0

Microsoft Viva: How Disruptive Will It Be?

Microsoft Viva could play a massive role in the HR Technology landscape. Given all the other deals taking place in this market, how disruptive can Viva become, and could it reshape the entire Employee Experience market? The answer may be yes, and here is my thinking.

For more information on this, please read my article ... Read more»

The Massive Market Impact of Microsoft Viva

Today Microsoft introduced an offering that is likely to transform the market for enterprise software: Microsoft Viva, a digital platform built on Microsoft 365 designed for the Employee Experience. Developed over several years and integrated with Microsoft Teams, Viva is an Employee Experience Platform carefully architected to leverage a company’s investment in existing ... Read more»

employee experience

The Employee Experience: It’s Trickier (and more important) Than You Thought

I just finished a week of meetings discussing HR Technology and the Employee Experience and I want to give you some thoughts. This topic is enormously important, and it’s actually harder than it looks.

Why This Topic Has Become So Big

First, the phrase “Employee Experience” has become a giant vortex for everything in HR. ... Read more»

The Employee Experience Platform: A New Category Arrives

One of the biggest trends in employment is finding ways to make work easier. In this hot job market employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers, and studies show that the voluntary turnover rate is now over 15%. (This means almost one in six people are leaving their jobs voluntarily to look for another ... Read more»