My Ten Principles Of Leadership

My Ten Principles Of Leadership

Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin
My Ten Principles Of Leadership

I don’t claim to be a leadership guru, but I’ve had a lot of experience working with senior leaders, studying leadership, running three fast-growing companies, and leading at big companies. Here are my ten principles, and they apply to you – regardless of your level, tenure, or role.

  1. Believe in the power of every individual
  2. Build a “we vs. I” mentality, focus on people helping each other
  3. Embrace humility, listen to others
  4. Create energy: inspire the team
  5. Make decisions consistently, find a framework and use it
  6. Understand all the stakeholders involved
  7. Respect and honor technology
  8. Love and study people
  9. Think like an economist
  10. Live with an abundance mindset.

And by the way, if you’re building a leadership program, here are two resources.  First, Why Leadership Development Is Broken, and second Human-Centered Leadership, part of The Big Reset.

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