Tagged: wellbeing

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One Of The Secrets To Success In 2024 Is… Care

As I look back on the year and think about all the challenges we face in business, I’m reminded of the simple human formula of how we care for each other. This topic, that of “care,” is not something people talk about a lot at work. But in many ways it’s fundamental to business success. ... Read more»

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Why Do Corporate Pay Practices Feel So Broken? They Kind Of Are.

In this podcast I introduce our new research on pay and rewards. This enormously important part of business needs a transformation, and our new research on “Systemic Pay and Rewards” explains why. I give you an overview of why pay systems are so brittle, what really drives results, and how we can dramatically improve these ... Read more»

Workplace Mental Health Has Become A Strategy For Business Performance

Here’s a shocking statistic:  15.8% of Americans now take regular medication for depression or anxiety, and it reaches 25% for those under the age of 30. And as of May this year, 39% of Americans experienced some form of anxiety or depression in the last four weeks.

Stress, anxiety, and depression are becoming the biggest ... Read more»

The Flourishing, Surprising, Badly Needed Market For Online Coaching

Of all the surprises from the pandemic, one of the biggest is the explosive growth of online coaching. It’s as if the virus hit us hard, disrupted us in unpredictable ways, and we’ve now unleashed the internet to help support each other.

I know this sounds a little altruistic, but how else can I explain ... Read more»

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The Irresistible Organization: Understanding Employee Experience In Detail

In this podcast I interview Kathi Enderes, our VP of Research and the author of Employee Experience, The Definitive Guide. Kathi discusses the most important elements of employee experience, the role of pay, trust, wellbeing, and development, and ask the question “why are Walmart, Amazon, Target, and Disney investing billions of dollars in ... Read more»

The Healthy Organization

The Healthy Organization: Next Big Thing In Employee Wellbeing

This week we’re launching a year-long research effort we call The Healthy Organization, which brings together almost everything we’ve been talking about since the start of the pandemic. Let me explain what we’ve discovered, and in this “long read” column I’ll bring it all into perspective. (News release here.)

The Pandemic’s Impact ... Read more»

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The Healthy Organization: Next Step In Employee Wellbeing

What’s the next step in Employee Wellbeing? Well as our new research points out, companies are moving well beyond benefits to a new world of The Healthy Organization. In this podcast I describe the history of the Wellbeing market, why it has become so big and complex, and how companies are moving forward. This podcast ... Read more»

The Joys Of Hybrid Work. Ten Things We Have Learned.

As I’m sure you’ve read, Remote Work is here to stay. Not only did we thrive during the Pandemic, but two-thirds of employees prefer it. Remote work saves time on commute, saves money on dressing up, and helps people deal with family issues at home.

Yes, there are issues: we have to avoid ... Read more»

The Secret To Wellbeing At Work Is…. Leadership

We spent the last 15 months talking with hundreds of HR leaders about their well-being programs and the focus is massive. Companies are hiring Chief Health Officers, Head of Safety and Well-being, and Directors of Well-being like never before. In fact, there are 55,000 jobs now open for Directors of Wellbeing, VP’s of Wellbeing, or ... Read more»

What’s Going On At BetterUp? Now Valued At $1.7 Billion.

BetterUp, a company known for its coaching network and AI assessment and development tools, just raised an additional $125 Million and is now valued at $1.73 Billion. This makes the company roughly two-thirds the valuation of CornerstoneOnDemand, a business with nearly a billion dollars in recurring revenue.

What’s up here?

Well BetterUp is a ... Read more»

New Research Shows Dramatic Shift In Priorities Among Business Executives

This month Accenture introduced a two-year research project on the increasingly important role of HR, and it uncovered a dramatic shift in priorities among senior business executives..

The big finding? Business and HR leaders have dramatically changed their perspectives: employee wellbeing has replaced operating efficiency.

The research, which Accenture calls Net Better Off, involved ... Read more»

The Long Road Ahead: Thriving Through Fatigue

One of the biggest problems we face is the challenge of Fatigue. And Fatigue has an impact on the Pandemic, our relationships, and our work.

The Pandemic has been going on for almost six months, many of our cities are slipping backward in infection, and the political system in most countries is dysfunctional. Here in ... Read more»

india, hr tech

Update On HR In India: One Of The World’s Fastest Growing Economies

I just returned from a trip to India, one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. While the actual numbers are being adjusted, India is growing at almost twice the rate of the US, and is likely to become the largest economy in the world (perhaps outpacing China) over the next decade.

As many of you ... Read more»

Health Tech Meets HR Tech: Making Lives, Work, and Businesses Better

Today the annual spending on healthcare in the US has surpassed $3.5 Trillion and is growing at 5.5 percent per year. In fact, healthcare now represents 17% of our economy and amounts to over $10,200 per citizen per year.  And we are heavily outspending our peers: comparable countries to the US allocate only 11% ... Read more»