Tagged: skills

TechWolf Accelerates Corporate Skills Tech Market With $43 Million Round

There is a frenzy of activity in the market for corporate skills technology. Microsoft, Workday, SAP, and dozens of specialized vendors (logos below) are building AI-based tools and platforms to bring skills data into every part of business operations.

The big vendors (Workday, SAP SuccessFactors, Oracle) have built “skills clouds” to help companies store their ... Read more»

Galileo™ Goes Live, Expands Its Power With New Trusted Content

Today Galileo™, The World’s Expert AI Assistant for HR, is generally available. After a year of development and testing, we’ve integrated more than 25 years of our research, tools, case studies, and vendor profiles into the world’s most easy-to-use, compelling, AI-powered assistant for HR.

Today more than 10,000 HR professionals are using Galileo, representing ... Read more»

take a pragmatic approach to skills

How To Take A Pragmatic (and winning) Approach To Skills

Companies all over the world are buying and implementing skills technology throughout HR. But how do we know what to buy and make sure it’s all going to add value? In this video I unpack a different approach: the pragmatic approach to skills, and how this approach will unlock you from vendor paralysis and make ... Read more»

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What Is The Role Of An Expert In The Age Of AI?

I bet you’re an expert at something. We all are. But how will it feel when a Generative AI becomes deeper and more expert than we are?

In this podcast I describe what an “Expert” really is, and why Gen AI has the potential to totally change the market for Experts: not only HR consultants, ... Read more»

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Unleash Paris 2023: The Skills HR Tech Confusion. Trailblazers: Docebo, Arist, Cornerstone

In this podcast, authored in Paris at Unleash, I discuss the confusion about skills technology and how to rethink your skills strategy. I also discuss AI #Trailblazers Docebo, Arist, & Cornerstone…. and I preview some very important c-level research we launched, “The Dynamic Organization.”

Additional Information

The Definitive Guide To Building A Dynamic Organization – ... Read more»

Microsoft Viva Skills

Why Microsoft Viva Skills Could Disrupt The HR Tech Market

This week Microsoft announced a major feature in Viva that is likely to disrupt the HR Technology market: skills. And the Skills in Viva system is not just a skills inference engine, it’s a skills-based learning system, a way to find mentors and experts, an employee development platform, and an internal mobility tool that ... Read more»

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Beyond HR Transformation: Systemic HR – Four Stages Of Growth

This week we previewed our big research effort in Systemic HR, the evolution of the human resources function. As you’ll hear, this is a story about how Human Resources professionals continue to add value as business, the economy, and the workforce continues to change. We will be releasing much more on this, I hope it ... Read more»

Building A Skills-Based Organization: The Exciting But Sober Reality

Fueled by new AI tools and skills technology, nearly every company wants to become a “skills-based organization.” Now that we’ve had a few years to study this trend, I’d like to share some of the realities and calm some of the hype.

The Premise

Let’s start with the premise: the idea promoted by whitepapers is ... Read more»

ServiceNow Boldly Introduces AI Solution For Skills, Learning, And Growth

As I’ve mentioned many times, the HR Technology market is too big and too exciting to ignore. Today, in a bold move, ServiceNow introduced a comprehensive new product for employee skills intelligence, learning, career management, and talent mobility.

Built on the acquisition of Hitch (in June of 2022), this is a world-class platform for ... Read more»

Predictions for 2023: Redefining Work, The Workforce, And HR

Every year for 25 years I’ve tried to write Predictions for the year ahead. And this year, like none before, I think it’s time for something big. As you will read about in this newest report, we are entering a year which may redefine almost everything. Not to be dramatic, but when was ... Read more»

A New Generation Of Mastery-Based Learning Platforms Has Arrived (*Updated)

The $330 billion corporate training market is enormous, fragmented, and complex. For years it was dominated by Learning Management Systems (LMS) and content providers, each pioneered in the early 2000s. These systems served well, but the needs of employees and organizations moved ahead.

Today companies want not only a place to find and administer learning, ... Read more»

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Dashing Thru Europe: Skills vs. Competencies, Recruiting, Inflation, And The King & Queen of The Netherlands

In this podcast I describe my two-week tour through Northern Europe: Sweden with Workday and Spotify, UK book tour with banks, publishers, and media companies; and The Future of Work Symposium hosted by the King and Queen of The Netherlands. Issues with skills, recruiting, inflation, diversity, and the role of HR and employers in the ... Read more»

We Are Becoming A PowerSkills Economy

Everyone keeps talking about the economy these days. Interest rates are rising, inflation feels out of control, and there’s a hint of recession in the air. Yet job growth remains strong and unemployment is low. What’s really going on?

After years of study and hundreds of conversations with business leaders, I’ve come to a ... Read more»

Haphazard Organization Design Is Holding Companies Back From Growth

Just released. New Research on Designing Jobs for the Future of Work.

Every day there’s another roadblock to growth. Inflation at nearly 8%, a war in Eastern Europe, more jobs than we have people, and employees leaving companies in droves.

As part of our Global Workforce Intelligence Project we’ve been interviewing CHROs in healthcare, ... Read more»