Tagged: openai

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Why The 4-Day Week? Because 33 Year-Olds Now Run The World.

Why are we having a national discussion about the 4-day week? Because the workforce has radically changed, and 33 Year-olds now run the world.

In this podcast I talk about how and why the workforce has radically changed and what this means to managers, leaders, and HR. I also discuss why talent density, talent activation, ... Read more»

The Role Of Generative AI And Large Language Models in HR

Human Resources is one of the most complex, imperfect areas of business. Virtually every decision we make about people (who to hire, who to promote, how much to pay someone, how to develop someone) is based on judgment, experience, personal bias, and some amount of data. And since well over 50% of all corporate spending ... Read more»

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AI Mania. ChatGPT vs. Google Bard vs. You. Who Will Win? Do We Care?

This podcast is a review of last week’s massive set of announcements from Microsoft and Google about Chatbots. Rather than try to summarize what you’ve already read, I spend time talking about the implications of all this. Here are a few highlights:

Is Microsoft’s statement that “search will be reinvented” really correct and could this ... Read more»

Understanding Chat-GPT, And Why It’s Even Bigger Than You Think (*updated)

Everyone has an opinion about Chat-GPT and AI. Engineers and entrepreneurs see it as a new frontier: a bold new world to invent products, services, and solutions. Social scientists and journalists are worried, with one prominent NYT author Ezra Klein calling it an “information warfare machine.” What has god wrought?

Let me just say up ... Read more»

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What Is Chat-GPT And Why It’s Even More Massive Than You Think

Now that we’ve all had a chance to hear about CHAT-GPT we’re all scratching our heads. Is this real? Is it going to transform our education and our lives? Or is it a tool for job displacement, information warfare, and abuse? Well I’ve learned a lot about this over the last several years and in ... Read more»