Tagged: microsoft


Workday Salesforce Partnership: Teaming Up For Enterprise AI

This week Workday and Salesforce announced a major partnership, focused on integrating these two major enterprise systems to get ahead of the increasing demand for integrated AI.

What did they announce? Two big things.

First, the companies are going to integrate their data platforms.

Salesforce holds vast amounts of sales and customer data (leads, ... Read more»

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Inside Microsoft HR’s Skills Strategy: A Lesson In Innovation & Investment

In this podcast I discuss Microsoft’s exciting new internal skills strategy, with a focus on Viva Skills, the role of the Microsoft Copilot, and how Microsoft is “inventing new products for HR” as Customer Zero. Customer Zero is Microsoft’s way of “eating their own dogfood” and making sure their new products are well designed before ... Read more»

Here Come The Copilots!

This week, as I discuss in today’s podcast, Microsoft blew us away again. The company delivered $61.9 Billion in revenue last quarter (up 17%) and Microsoft Cloud reached $35.1 billion, growing 23%. And every other business is on fire: Azure grew by 31%, Office and LinkedIn grew by 12%, and PC and Windows grew ... Read more»

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Here Come The CoPilots! Microsoft Earnings, and Enterprise AI Is Next.

Microsoft’s Co-Pilot, powered by AI, is being widely used by Fortune 500 companies and has become the largest and most prevalent corporate AI tool in the world. A research report by CompTIA shows that 94% of professional users have used some form of AI, including Microsoft’s Co-Pilot. The company is deploying AI at a massive ... Read more»

The Rise Of The Copilots: Microsoft Steps Up The Pace

This week Microsoft unleashed a massive array of product announcements (50 in total) around the use of Copilots throughout our daily lives. And while we all may understand the idea, now these tools are real. And it’s clear to me that Microsoft has gotten their groove and is executing quickly with a laser focus.

While ... Read more»

Microsoft’s Massive Upgrade: OpenAI CoPilot For Entire MS 365 Suite.

Microsoft is betting the farm on OpenAI and ChatGPT with the biggest upgrade to Microsoft 365 in decades. The new release, entitled Microsoft 365 Copilot, delivers Generative AI tools and chat embedded in every module in the suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and Viva. They call it “Your Copilot for Work.”

And ... Read more»

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What Is Chat-GPT And Why It’s Even More Massive Than You Think

Now that we’ve all had a chance to hear about CHAT-GPT we’re all scratching our heads. Is this real? Is it going to transform our education and our lives? Or is it a tool for job displacement, information warfare, and abuse? Well I’ve learned a lot about this over the last several years and in ... Read more»

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Productivity Paranoia: What Should Companies Do?

New Microsoft Work Trends research identifies the Productivity Paranoia at work: 87% of employees feel productive, yet only 12% of CEO’s agree. In this podcast I detail the big issue of “productivity at work” and explain why this gap is taking place, and what you can do about it.

Additional Resources Discussed In This Podcast... Read more»

Microsoft Announces Major Expansion Of Viva, and CEOs Need To Lighten Up.

If there’s one thing you can say about Microsoft, this is a company that can execute. Since the introduction of Microsoft Viva in early 2021, the company has more than doubled down on its Employee Experience Platform strategy, with a flurry of new announcements this week.

Let me start by saying that Microsoft, at its ... Read more»

Why Gaming Is The New Killer App: Enter The Metaverse

Why did Microsoft spend $75 Billion to acquire Activision, the makers of Warcraft, Starcraft, Call of Duty, and other best-selling games? It’s not just because they want to be big in the Metaverse. It’s something bigger.

Gaming is now the killer app. (And now The New York Times bought Wordle!).

Think about where ... Read more»

What Is The Metaverse? Facebook’s Strategy And How Microsoft, Disney, and Amazon Could Win.

What Is A Metaverse?

Simply put, a Metaverse is a digital space represented by digital representations of people, places, and things. In other words, it’s a “digital world” with real people represented by digital objects.

In many ways, Microsoft Teams or Zoom is already a form of a Metaverse. You are “there” in the room, ... Read more»

Microsoft Acquires Ally: Expands Viva Into Employee Goal Management

As I talked about in Ten New Truths for HR Tech, Microsoft is upsetting the entire work-tech market. Not only is Viva on the agenda for every HR and IT department we talk with, Microsoft is doubling down. Today Microsoft announced plans to acquire Ally.io, a fast-growing OKR goal management platform with more ... Read more»

The Massive Market Impact of Microsoft Viva

Today Microsoft introduced an offering that is likely to transform the market for enterprise software: Microsoft Viva, a digital platform built on Microsoft 365 designed for the Employee Experience. Developed over several years and integrated with Microsoft Teams, Viva is an Employee Experience Platform carefully architected to leverage a company’s investment in existing ... Read more»