Tagged: HR Transformation

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Lloyds Banking Group Describes Its $3B Business and Talent Transformation

Lloyds Banking Group, the largest bank in the UK, is undergoing a £3 Billion business transformation focused on enhancing customer experiences, integrating products and services, and leveraging technology to improve service delivery.

Holly Quincey, Chief Talent Officer, describes the company’s accompanying talent transformation, particularly its skills-based hiring strategy.

Talent Acquisition: This includes bringing executive ... Read more»

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WhatWorks: HR Transformation at Bon Secours Mercy Health

This is the inaugural podcast in our new WhatWorks Series, focused on stories and case studies of the world’s most interesting and creative HR teams.

In this podcast, Kathi Enderes, SVP and Global Analyst, interviews Allan CalongeChief People Officer, and Levi Loverkamp, Chief Workforce Planning Officer, who describe how Bon Secours ... Read more»

Why Is It So Hard To Be A Chief HR Officer (CHRO)?

Times have changed. Once considered the junior executive in the C-suite, today the CHRO may be the most important of all. And as AI transforms our businesses, the job gets bigger every day. (Jack Welch often said the CHRO was the #2 most important job in the company.)


Companies Have People Challenges Everywhere... Read more»

Systemic HR from The Josh Bersin Company

Introducing The Systemic HR™ Initiative

This week we formally introduce the Systemic HR™ Initiative, our multi-year program to help HR professionals and their teams to transform, evolve, and redefine their roles in business.

This work is the culmination of 25 years of research and advisory consulting among tens of thousands of organizations, reflecting the need for HR organizations to ... Read more»

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Understanding Systemic HR: The Four Levels Of Maturity

In this podcast I give you the “under-the-covers” look at our new Systemic HR research, and discuss the evolution of HR, the reason HR has changed, and the urgent need for full-stack HR professionals around the world.

This research, which is soon to be launched to our corporate members, has been developed after two years ... Read more»

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Beyond HR Transformation: Systemic HR – Four Stages Of Growth

This week we previewed our big research effort in Systemic HR, the evolution of the human resources function. As you’ll hear, this is a story about how Human Resources professionals continue to add value as business, the economy, and the workforce continues to change. We will be releasing much more on this, I hope it ... Read more»

Predictions for 2023: Redefining Work, The Workforce, And HR

Every year for 25 years I’ve tried to write Predictions for the year ahead. And this year, like none before, I think it’s time for something big. As you will read about in this newest report, we are entering a year which may redefine almost everything. Not to be dramatic, but when was ... Read more»

Introducing Resilient HR: A New Way To Run Your Business

From the very start of the pandemic, business leaders and HR teams have been in shock. Who is impacted? When do we bring people back to the workplace? What are our new work policies? And how do we quickly develop the new communications, work protocols, training, and wellbeing support to keep our people working and ... Read more»

HR Transformation In The Experience Age

HR TransformationHR Transformation is a big topic.

The human resources function starts small, and as the organization grows, the HR team becomes complex. We need recruiters, business partners, specialists, designers, technologists, and a variety of other specialists in diversity, culture, learning, and more.

It’s a perfect market for consultants. Most HR departments grow organically (and through ... Read more»