Tagged: HP

Is IT a profession in Crisis? Why IT professionals feel left out.

The world of Information Technology has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Decades ago, Information Technology (IT) was considered a creative and strategic profession. These individuals developed applications, integrated systems, architected data structures, and were responsible for many of the most strategic technologies in business.

Today, however, IT is far less sexy, and one ... Read more»

Succession Management at IBM, Contrasted with Apple and HP

Succession Management at IBM, Contrasted with Apple and HP

Today Ginni Rometty was announced as the new CEO of IBM, marking a significant transition at IBM and celebrating the company’s first female top executive.   This transition shows an example of world-class succession management.  It was predictable (IBM CEO’s leave their jobs at the age of 60) and shows the results of years of development ... Read more»

Five Talent Management Strategies for a Business Downturn

Five Talent Management Strategies for a Business Downturn

We are clearly entering some form of economic slowdown.  Our most recent index of talent management executives (January of 2008) showed some significant changes from May of 2007:  21% greater interest in cost-reduction, 18% lower focus on product introductions, and a significant increase in focus on building new leadership (18% increase).  So let’s assume your ... Read more»