Category: Innovation

Innovation is a critical business capability that is often promoted, facilitated, and developed through HR. This topic discusses how to define, improve, and align innovation in a business.

The Company As A Talent Marketplace: Unilever and Schneider Electric Show The Way

Over the last ten years, we’ve seen a lot of digital business disruption. Amazon disrupted Wal-Mart. PayPal disrupted Visa. Tesla disrupted GM and Ford. And Facebook and Google disrupted just about everyone.

And this disruption was not just caused by good ideas: it is driven by speed. These disruptive companies have new ideas, they test ... Read more»

Why you should come to IMPACT on April 10-13…

We are all getting excited about our upcoming research conference IMPACT 2012:  The Business of Talent®.

There are seats left, but the conference will likely sell out (as it has in prior years), so let me give a few big reasons to take a few days of your valuable time and come to the ... Read more»

BersinBasics Pioneers a New Way to Learn the Fundamentals of Talent Management

We all know that talent management is a hot topic in business today.  SAP’s acquisition of SuccessFactors for $3.4 billion demonstrates how important this market is to businesses around the world.

But ultimately it isn’t software that drives business results: it’s the practices of talent management that matters.  Our research shows that companies which ... Read more»

IMPACT 2011: Live Streaming – Mark your Calendar

Next week we launch IMPACT 2011: The Business of Talent®, our fourth annual research conference.

For those of you who follow our blogs and our research, the conference is sold out. But if you would like the excitement of attending the conference virtually, our marketing team has put together a wonderful opportunity for you ... Read more»

Why I Hope to See You at IMPACT 2011, our Fourth Annual Research Conference

On April 26-28, in beautiful St. Petersburg Florida, we will be holding our fourth annual research conference, IMPACT 2011:  The Business of Talent. I would really encourage you to join us.

Here is why.

1.  This is the only conference in the talent management, training, and systems marketplace which is 100% focused on providing you ... Read more»

How Employee Engagement Actually Drives Stock Price

One of the hottest issues in human resources is the need to develop high levels of employee engagement and satisfaction.  We all know that organizations with happy people have lower turnover, deliver better customer service, and tend to be more innovative and responsive.  But can we translate this into stock price or financial results?

Bersin ... Read more»

High-Impact Learning Culture in Europe

I spent this week in Europe (nice Siberian snowstorm here), attending a client meeting in the UK and the Online Educa Berlin (OEB), the largest e-learning conference in the world.

This conference, which has more than 1,000 attendees, brings together learning and academic professionals from businesses, educational institutions, and governments throughout Europe.  The event is ... Read more»

How to Build a High-Impact Learning Culture

Over the last ten years we have studied many elements of Human Resources and corporate training with a goal of identifying which practices, processes, structures, and systems drive the greatest business impact.

This week we are launching one of the most significant research reports we have published to date:   High Impact Learning Culture®:  40 Practices ... Read more»

The Recovery Drives Bold New Priorities for HR

This week we published our TalentTrends® research for the first half of 2010 (report available to research members). In this research we ask more than 200 top HR and business leaders to tell us about their business outlook, hiring forecast, talent and leadership readiness, spending, and priorities.

What we see is a stark ... Read more»

The Coming Talent War: Young, Global, Diverse

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently published its Occupational Outlook for 2018 (the next 10 years) and it is well worth reading.  This data, coupled with a number of meetings I”ve had recently with HR and L&D executives, clearly tells me that we are about to re-enter a new “war for talent.”

This phrase has ... Read more»

Learning from the Toyota Debacle: The Need for Transparency

Toyota, one of the most revered brands in the world, has crashed to earth in the last few weeks due to its slow and weak response to a variety of gas pedal and braking system product defects. Most news sources state that the company has already spent $2 Billion to respond and the company’s sales ... Read more»

An Economic Tipping Point in Corporate Talent Strategies

Each quarter for the last several years we have published TalentWatch®, a comprehensive look at talent trends in organizations around the world. Bersin & Associates TalentWatch This report, which is only available to research members, looks at several key topics:

  • Business performance against plan
  • Expectations for future growth
  • Job openings and expected growth
  • Talent readiness by job role
  • Leadership
... Read more»