Category: Enterprise Learning

Docebo emerges as LMS leader

Docebo: Surprising Leader In Learning Management Platforms

The LMS market is often considered a red ocean: hundreds of vendors, highly complex user needs, and few vendors making a profit. Over the last decade almost every leading LMS vendor (Saba, Docent, Plateau,, Litmos, Sumtotal) was acquired, largely because they couldn’t sustain their growth in a highly competitive market.

For LMS buyers ... Read more»

Introducing The Organization Design SuperClass!

Organization design has become one of the hottest topics in business. More than 80% of the companies we talk with are now experimenting with AI, flattening their organization, and reorganizing teams to improve productivity. And when it’s done well we’ve seen companies double or even triple their output and efficiency, improving employee engagement as well.... Read more»

Building A Skills-Based Organization: The Exciting But Sober Reality

Fueled by new AI tools and skills technology, nearly every company wants to become a “skills-based organization.” Now that we’ve had a few years to study this trend, I’d like to share some of the realities and calm some of the hype.

The Premise

Let’s start with the premise: the idea promoted by whitepapers is ... Read more»

Leadership Development Powered By AI:  BetterUp Connect

It was bound to happen: Leadership Development powered by AI. Here’s the latest…

As we’ve discovered in our Irresistible Leadership research, mid-level managers are struggling. Not only have managers had to deal with remote work, the pandemic, and many job changes and layoffs, they are burned out themselves. New research by Microsoft found that 53% ... Read more»

Lightcast: The Switzerland Of The Global SkillsTech Market

Everywhere I go companies are focused on building a skills-based organization. Originally fueled by the need to hire and build digital skills, today companies are looking for skills in AI, new energy technologies, batteries, genomic sciences, and a vast array of new platforms, products, and industry processes.

Why is this happening? There are two enormous ... Read more»

ServiceNow Boldly Introduces AI Solution For Skills, Learning, And Growth

As I’ve mentioned many times, the HR Technology market is too big and too exciting to ignore. Today, in a bold move, ServiceNow introduced a comprehensive new product for employee skills intelligence, learning, career management, and talent mobility.

Built on the acquisition of Hitch (in June of 2022), this is a world-class platform for ... Read more»

EdTech Is Going Crazy For AI

This week I spent a few days at the ASU/GSV conference and ran into 7,000 educators, entrepreneurs, and corporate training people who had gone CRAZY for AI.

No, I’m not kidding. This community, which makes up people like training managers, community college leaders, educators, and policymakers is absolutely freaked out about ChatGPT, Large Language Models, ... Read more»

LinkedIn Learning Evolves: Watch Out HR Tech Competitors – Skills, Careers, And More.

LinkedIn Learning has been one of the most fascinating success stories in HR Technology. It all started in 2015 when LinkedIn acquired, a pioneering provider of high-quality video learning designed for creative professionals.

I knew well before the acquisition, and when they became part of LinkedIn I had to ask myself “what ... Read more»

A New Generation Of Mastery-Based Learning Platforms Has Arrived (*Updated)

The $330 billion corporate training market is enormous, fragmented, and complex. For years it was dominated by Learning Management Systems (LMS) and content providers, each pioneered in the early 2000s. These systems served well, but the needs of employees and organizations moved ahead.

Today companies want not only a place to find and administer learning, ... Read more»

Banking Under Siege: The Secrets To Digital Success In Financial Services

The banking industry is hot again: interest rates are rising, people are spending money, and consumers want a more integrated, digital-first relationship with their provider. For consumer and commercial banks, however, the last decade has been traumatic. Everyone from Apple to Walmart to Google to Mastercard wants to take their business away. And new Buy ... Read more»

Cornerstone Makes A Play To Dominate The Skills Platform Market

This week was the week of Cornerstone’s global user conference, entitled Limitless: Unlocking the Potential of your Workforce. And for the first time, users get to see what the new Cornerstone is all about.

Let me first say that I’ve been working with Cornerstone from the beginning, when the company was a scrappy LMS ... Read more»

Career Pathways: An Innovation That Could Transform The Economy

We just released new research on Career Pathways, a bold corporate innovation that creates non-linear career paths for workers with any education. This approach, which has been pioneered by companies like Walmart, Amazon, Mercy BonSecours, and others, has the potential to transform jobs, companies, and the economy. (More details here.)

But first, ... Read more»

Productivity Paranoia: The Design Challenge Ahead.

Last week Microsoft’s Work Trend Index discovered a profound problem at work: while 87% of employees believe they are highly productive, only 12% of CEOs agree.

This is a staggering finding. While employee work harder than ever, CEOs simply do not believe it.

Microsoft believes this is a symptom of hybrid work, but I ... Read more»

A New Strategy For Corporate Learning: Growth In The Flow Of Work

The corporate training industry is over $320 billion in size and growing in importance every day. Companies are struggling with employee retention, transformation, and challenges with hybrid work while technologies and industries change faster than ever. How can CEOs and CHROs keep up? The answer is very clear: build an enterprise capability in learning, capability ... Read more»

Degreed Returns To Its Roots: Acquires LearnIn, Founder Returns As CEO

If anyone ever tells you it’s easy to build a startup software company, don’t listen to them. That’s the story of Degreed, one of the darlings of the corporate learning industry, now going through a rebirth as the market continues to change.

Let me tell you the story.

About a decade ago, three companies (Degreed, ... Read more»