The Josh Bersin Academy: Even Bigger And Better

This year, as we deal with hybrid work, a changing economy, and one of the most challenging labor markets in decades, I want to focus on HR Capabilities. Why? Not just because it’s something we like, but because it’s something that matters.

Believe it or not, we have correlated the individual capabilities of more than 8,000 HR professionals against their company performance, and we can prove to you that companies with great HR teams deliver great business results. And this is not an accident. All the important things that matter: hiring the right people, building strong leadership, redeploying people during change, and driving new skills and innovation in the company, are things that HR people understand. And when we do our jobs well, our CEOs and CFOs trust us to partner on the company’s most important decisions.

Later this quarter we will publish a detailed research study on the “Surprising Impact of HR Capabilities on Business Results,” but in the meantime I want to talk about something else: The Josh Bersin Academy. Pioneered in 2019, the JBA (as we call it), is now the largest professional development community in the world. We have more than 60,000 HR professionals actively learning and collaborating, more than 400 corporate members, and hundreds of courses, resources, stories, and solutions – all focused on helping global HR professionals learn.

And this year we’re going to do more. Today the JBA includes 25 senior faculty 24 in-depth certificate programs (each 4-5 hours in length with dozens of interactive, real-world exercises), hundreds of case study videos, and a curated resource library of 500+ primers, career journeys, history lessons, and tools. And all this is available to HR Professionals for only $280 per year.

And there’s even more: the Global HR Capability Assessment, the powerful cohort-based learning experience, the vast JBA community, learning journeys and capability accelerators, and the in-depth learner profile that lets you find and collaborate with thousands of HR professionals around the world. This assessment will show you where you stack up, and then give you specific Capability Accelerators to advance your knowledge. And organizations can benchmark their entire HR team, helping you find areas of strength and weakness across the organization.

In 2023 we have much more planned. I invite you to join and please watch this video where I explain where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.


Additional Resources

Visit the JBA:

Meet the JBA Faculty:

Take the JBA Global Capability Assessment:…

Join the Josh Bersin Company Membership:…