Tagged: TEDS

Talent Management Software Vendors get a C+ in Customer Satisfaction

Talent Management Software Vendors get a C+ in Customer Satisfaction

We just completed a year-long research study on the customer experience with talent management software. Despite the sky-high market valuations for these companies and the growth rate of the market, these products are not fully meeting customer needs. In fact, among the 1,146 companies we surveyed, their average overall satisfaction is 3.65 on a scale ... Read more»

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Beats of Life Even in this year’s terrible economy, the Talent Management Software market continues to show signs of life. We estimate this important market will reach around $2.4 Billion by the end of 2009 and continues to grow in size and importance.

How the Talent Management Software Market is Expanding

  • Total HR spending across all industries, including
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Talent Management Suites:  Research Launched

Talent Management Suites: Research Launched

We just released the largest-ever research study on the market for talent management suites.  This research took place over the last 18 months and is the result of an exhaustive analysis of 20 vendors, 800+ HR managers, and in-depth meetings with more than 50 organizations.  Leighanne Levensaler, our principal analyst in this area, is ... Read more»