Tagged: rewards

Why Do Corporate Pay Practices Feel Broken? Because They Are.

New research by ADP and also by LinkedIn shows that pay has become the #1 factor in employee satisfaction. And no wonder: inflation is raging, people are overworked, and CEOs keep asking employees to be “more productive” (read “work harder”).

And how do companies keep up? They’re talking about laying people off, getting rid of ... Read more»

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Why Do Corporate Pay Practices Feel So Broken? They Kind Of Are.

In this podcast I introduce our new research on pay and rewards. This enormously important part of business needs a transformation, and our new research on “Systemic Pay and Rewards” explains why. I give you an overview of why pay systems are so brittle, what really drives results, and how we can dramatically improve these ... Read more»

The Growing Role Of Pay In Employee Experience and Business Performance

For the last three years we’ve been worried about burnout, mental health, and work life balance during the pandemic. This week a new issue has emerged. A new Mercer study of employee sentiment found that pay has suddenly become the number one factor in satisfaction at work.

When asked “what keeps workers up at ... Read more»

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Recruiting And Retention In Crisis. How Do We Build Trust, The Most Benefit Of All?

How do we attract, recruit, and retain people in this difficult labor market? Raise wages? Improve career options? Spend money on training? The answer is yes – all these things. But there’s something more.

In this podcast I talk about the new Edelman Trust Index and what it tells us about trust, and how you ... Read more»

What Should We Do About Inflation?

Everywhere you go people are talking about inflation. And for good reason: this month we saw an annual 7% inflation rate, the biggest gain in 39 years. And as I see it, this is likely to continue, so what are we going to do?

First, Why The Inflation?

While there are many contributing causes, ... Read more»

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What Should We Do About Inflation?

In this podcast I discuss inflation. Why do we have it? How long will it be here? And most importantly of all, what does Inflation do to our wages, recruiting, and pay and benefits programs?

As you’ll hear, inflation really does change your perspective on all aspects of talent management: it pushes you to clarify ... Read more»

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Calm Before The Storm: The Massive Impact Of Pandemic Recovery

In this podcast I talk about the big changes coming from the pandemic recovery, which I call The Calm Before The Storm. And it’s a lot more than Hybrid Work.

  1. The rapid economic growth and stormy, disrupted labor market
  2. The financial storm and likely change in financial, asset, crypto, and digital currencies
  3. The US
... Read more»

We Wasted Ten Years Talking About Performance Ratings. The Seven Things We’ve Learned.

I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve had talking with companies about changing their performance management process. Going back to 2015 articles were written by people like Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall (both personal friends), and many others about the need to change year-end ratings, implement regular feedback practices, and reduce the power of ... Read more»

New Recognition Research: A Hidden Secret to Talent Management

New Recognition Research: A Hidden Secret to Talent Management

I’m excited to announce that this week we launched our Employee Recognition research, a program we started early last year.

As I’m sure you know, organizations around the world are suffering from low levels of employee engagement for many reasons. The unemployment rate is high, people are working harder than ever, and employees are ... Read more»