Tagged: Plateau

SuccessFactors Rebrands Itself Business Execution Software

SuccessFactors Rebrands Itself Business Execution Software

This week SuccessFactors Positioningtook a somewhat bold move by relaunching itself as a “Business Execution” software company.  This idea, which is not new (The Balanced Scorecard Initiative® has been working on tools for this for many years), is to reposition the company’s performance and talent management software as a way to build strong alignment ... Read more»

Your “Incumbent” HR Systems Vendor – What to do?

Your “Incumbent” HR Systems Vendor – What to do?

I just completed a series of interviews with three organizations going through the important, challenging, and time consuming process of implementing a new performance management system.  In each case (a large healthcare provider, a global mining company, and a global call center operations company), the company is using the implementation of a performance management system ... Read more»

Talent Management Suites:  Research Launched

Talent Management Suites: Research Launched

We just released the largest-ever research study on the market for talent management suites.  This research took place over the last 18 months and is the result of an exhaustive analysis of 20 vendors, 800+ HR managers, and in-depth meetings with more than 50 organizations.  Leighanne Levensaler, our principal analyst in this area, is ... Read more»

Wow.   Performance Management Really Matters in Retail.

Wow. Performance Management Really Matters in Retail.

As we continue to study best-practices in talent management and talk with many organizations, we see more and more evidence that top-down goal alignment and transparency truly do drive business results. 

For example, we recently had an in-depth discussion with the Vice-President of HR at Bon-Ton Stores, a highly-successful mid-sized retailer which operates among the ... Read more»

Choosing an LMS: What to do?

Choosing an LMS: What to do?

The Quandry of Selecting Learning Management Systems 

After many years as an analyst in this market, learning management systems continue to amaze me.  They are like chameleons – continuously changing and morphing to survive as corporate learning and software markets evolve.  We have seen four big phases over the last 10 years:  first as back-office ... Read more»