Tagged: employee engagement

From The Great Resignation To The Great Inflation. It’s Time To Get Creative.

This month we learned that the US inflation rate is over 7.5%, the US economy is growing at over 5.5%, and more than 460,000 jobs were created in January alone. The global economy is growing at a record rate and companies are finding it harder and harder to hire.

We’ve gone from “The ... Read more»

Perceptyx Acquires Cultivate: A Clear Leader In Employee Listening

As I wrote back in 2015, Feedback is the Killer App. Companies that tap into the collective wisdom of their employees almost always outperform their peers.

Why? Because employees (not customers) know the most about what’s working and what’s not. Yes, we need to get feedback from customers, but employees know even more. ... Read more»

Perceptyx Goes Big: New Platform Delivers Conversations At Scale

The employee survey, crowdsourcing, and listening market is massive: every company wants to listen to its employees. Well, it’s no longer a market for survey tools, it has now become a space for integrated listening, survey, and analytics platforms. Enter Perceptyx, one of the most trusted vendors in the market.

If you don’t know ... Read more»

Secrets To Employee Experience: The Definitive Guide Launches Today

This week we’re launching one of the most important research studies we’ve done: a comprehensive look at Employee Experience. We call it the Employee Experience: The Definitive Guide, and you can download the report here and the detailed infographic here.

About The Study

Our EX study was launched in January of this year. ... Read more»

Perceptyx Acquires Waggl: Employee Voice Takes Major Step Forward

This week Perceptyx, one of the veteran providers of employee survey and feedback,  announced the acquisition of Waggl, one of the more innovative and powerful tools for employee feedback. Since I’ve known Waggl since its founding, I wanted to give you some perspective.

First, let me tell you about Perceptyx. Perceptyx is a highly ... Read more»

Voice Of The Employee: The Most Important Topic In Business

Running a business can be a complex affair: you have to build products and services that customers want, you have to innovate to compete and stay relevant, and you have to manage sales, marketing, operations, and distribution. This is why there are so many business books and magazines: more than 2 million books per year ... Read more»

Overwork Is Not A Strategy For Response To The Pandemic

This week someone leaked a survey by Goldman Sachs which shows that new analysts often work more than 95 hours per week and sleep only 5 hours each night. The survey then points out that these employees’ mental and physical health has plummeted, with 100% stating that the workload has negatively impacted family relationships and ... Read more»

Feeling Burned Out? We All Are. Why This Is A New (And Old) Problem

Burnout is one of the biggest topics in the new world of work. In fact, it’s almost a fad to talk about it. People are tired, we have “zoom fatigue,” and last year the World Health Organization actually classified burnout as a disease.

What is burnout?  According to the WHO it includes ... Read more»


Workday Throws Down The Gauntlet On Employee Engagement: Acquisition of Peakon

The market for employee surveys, feedback, and engagement tools is massive and it just got bigger. Workday announced plans to acquire Peakon, an enterprise-grade employee survey and feedback company, and integrate it deeply into the platform. (Deal was around $700M.)


Let me give you some perspective.

The market for employee listening platforms is ... Read more»


Our New Role: Bringing Kindness To Work

In 2014 I wrote a speech titled “Simply Irresistible,” describing the need to rethink the concepts of employee engagement. That speech, which turned into a research model, described how meaningful work, sound management, an inclusive environment, growth, and leadership were all part of building an irresistible work experience.

Since then there have been ... Read more»

feedback, glint, engagement

Employee Engagement 3.0 – From Feedback to Action

The employee engagement and feedback tools market has been explosive. As I wrote about in Feedback is the Killer App, giving employees the ability to express their opinions has transformed the world of management. CEOs and business leaders everywhere are now evaluated by their ability to keep employees happy.

And there’s good reason for ... Read more»

employee experience

The Employee Experience: It’s Trickier (and more important) Than You Thought

I just finished a week of meetings discussing HR Technology and the Employee Experience and I want to give you some thoughts. This topic is enormously important, and it’s actually harder than it looks.

Why This Topic Has Become So Big

First, the phrase “Employee Experience” has become a giant vortex for everything in HR. ... Read more»

Why Did SAP Pay $8 Billion To Acquire Qualtrics?

This week was a big one in the world of enterprise software: SAP announced plans to acquire Qualtrics, a fast-growing scrappy provider of survey and feedback software, for $8 billion. And this was not a small deal: Qualtrics’ revenues as of Q3 were $372 Million, and the company is growing at 42% YTY. This ... Read more»

What Emails Reveal About Your Performance At Work

We all spend an inordinate amount of time at work communicating with others. And we each have our little tricks. Some of us respond so fast it’s like a real-time system; others wait and do it when they have time. Some need “nudges” to respond, while others respond on their own.

What does all this ... Read more»