Tagged: banking

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Lloyds Banking Group Describes Its $3B Business and Talent Transformation

Lloyds Banking Group, the largest bank in the UK, is undergoing a £3 Billion business transformation focused on enhancing customer experiences, integrating products and services, and leveraging technology to improve service delivery.

Holly Quincey, Chief Talent Officer, describes the company’s accompanying talent transformation, particularly its skills-based hiring strategy.

Talent Acquisition: This includes bringing executive ... Read more»

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How Do Pacesetter Companies Outperform Their Peers? They Are “Architected for Change.”

Introducing the Pacesetters: industry leading companies who outperform their peers through skills, transformation speed, and execution. After more than a year of research in the Global Workforce Intelligence Project, this week we unveil the Pacesetter research, and this podcast gives you the overview.

These companies are “architected for change,” and they include leaders like DBS ... Read more»

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How Do Trailblazer Banks Pull It Off? Lessons For Every Company Here.

In this podcast I breakdown the big secrets we’ve discovered in the digital transformation in financial services. While there are a lot of industry-specific issues to understand, many of the best-practices apply to every company in the world. And Trailblazers, the banks that set the standards for customer experience and digital offerings, are now accelerating ... Read more»

Banking Under Siege: The Secrets To Digital Success In Financial Services

The banking industry is hot again: interest rates are rising, people are spending money, and consumers want a more integrated, digital-first relationship with their provider. For consumer and commercial banks, however, the last decade has been traumatic. Everyone from Apple to Walmart to Google to Mastercard wants to take their business away. And new Buy ... Read more»