Tagged: agility

The Ten Keys To Business Resilience

Businesses have been through insanity this year. Transportation and hospitality companies have seen plummeting demand; retailers and distributors have built all new delivery models; tech companies are seeing explosive growth; and banks and financial services companies are responding to huge economic changes.

Through all this change the #1 issue on the minds of CEOs is ... Read more»

The End of a Job as we Know It

The concept of a job, as we know it, is starting to go away.

Over the last few years I’ve been speaking with many corporate business and human resource leaders and hearing a common theme: we need our organizations to be more agile. We need to redesign organizations so we can learn faster, communicate ... Read more»

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

We are Greater than Me: Building an Agile Organization

Late last year I attended two major talent and leadership conferences in Stockholm. At these events I had the opportunity to meet with various HR leaders at Electrolux, Ericsson, Logica, BT, Maersk, Grundfos, Unicredit, Bertelsman, and others. What I learned is something important that we are building into a broad research framework I plan to ... Read more»