Chat-GPT Bias, Pay Equity, Slowing Economy, Post Layoff Advice, Secret To Great Hiring

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In this week’s podcast I cover a bunch of topics. Here they are:
- More proof that Chat-GPT is immature and yes, it’s biased
- The unexpected impact of pay transparency laws
- Why the economy is experiencing a “slow motion car crash”
- The ever-tighter labor market and shortage of workers
- Why gig workers are happier than wage slaves and what you can do about it
- Microsoft research on the inadequacy of productivity tools (& why ServiceNow is hot)
- What 10 HR execs agree on the “secrets of high performance hiring”
- Why car sales people are great folks to hire!
- What to do AFTER the layoff
- Why Amazon is a very tough place to sell a book (sob)
- The new operating model for HR, which we call Systemic HR
- Predictions for 2023: it’s all about Activation!!!
Additional Links
Predictions for 2023: Work, Workforce, and HR
Understanding Chat-GPT, And Why It’s Even Bigger Than You Think (*updated with many links)
A New Generation Of Mastery-Based Learning Platforms Has Arrived (*Updated)
The Josh Bersin Academy: Even Bigger And Better In 2023
Understanding HR Capabilities: Mandate for 2023 and Beyond