Category: Organization & Governance

Organization and governance discusses all the topics around organizing and leading a complex L&D, Recruiting, or HR function. It deals with federated vs. centralized vs. decentralized models, the role of the senior leaders, and how design and delivery decisions can be made globally and locally throughout HR.

Productivity Paranoia: The Design Challenge Ahead.

Last week Microsoft’s Work Trend Index discovered a profound problem at work: while 87% of employees believe they are highly productive, only 12% of CEOs agree.

This is a staggering finding. While employee work harder than ever, CEOs simply do not believe it.

Microsoft believes this is a symptom of hybrid work, but I ... Read more»

Research Shows that Retention and Engagement Now Top Challenges Around The World

We just published the major study Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015, and the results are striking.

Today, driven by shifts in both work ethos and the transparency of the job market, employee retention and engagement are now the #1 problems companies face.  (3,200 respondents from over 100 countries)


This is the third year ... Read more»

The Year of the Employee: Human Resources, Leadership and HR Technology Predictions for 2014

Bersin Predictions for 2014In 2014 the world of Talent, Leadership and HR will undergo dramatic change.   (Download our 66 page Predictions Report here.)

The economy will accelerate its growth.  Global growth will create a new level of competition for people. People will look to change jobs and seek better opportunities. HR organizations will shift their focus ... Read more»

The New Best-Practices of a High-Impact Learning Organization

We just completed the brand new version of our enduring research, The High-Impact Learning Organization (HILO). This research, which involves several years of effort, uncovered some groundbreaking new findings and rich new set of tools and assessments to help organizations improve.

In this blog post I’ll highlight our new HILO Maturity Model, our new Enterprise ... Read more»

Yikes. Training spending up 9.5%, highest increase in 3+ years! A renaissance.

Wow.  After more than three years of decline in spending, corporate training budgets just jumped up 9.5% last year.  (Just released, 2012 Bersin & Associates Corporate Learning Factbook®).  Good news for corporate HR teams and business leaders in general.

This is a huge increase, bringing the average spending per employee to over $800, or ... Read more»

Why I Hope to See You at IMPACT 2011, our Fourth Annual Research Conference

On April 26-28, in beautiful St. Petersburg Florida, we will be holding our fourth annual research conference, IMPACT 2011:  The Business of Talent. I would really encourage you to join us.

Here is why.

1.  This is the only conference in the talent management, training, and systems marketplace which is 100% focused on providing you ... Read more»

Learning and Talent Management in Europe

This week I had the opportunity to keynote the largest learning conference in the UK, the UK Learning Technologies Conference (developed and run by Donald H. Taylor, one of the most knowledgeable professionals in our industry). The title of my presentation was “Informal Learning: What, Why, and How – and what it means to ... Read more»

You Cut Costs: Now Build a Long Term Roadmap

This week we met with the head of L&D from a large financial services institution. This company, like many others, has just completed a wrenching reorganization and redesign of its global learning organization to save money. In this particular case the company is also integrating the L&D teams from several acquired companies.

(I know this ... Read more»

Doing Less with Less

In preparation for our upcoming research conference IMPACT 2009: The Business of Talent®, I just finished a conference call with six executives from well known HR and corporate training outsourcing companies:  Accenture, Convergys, General Physics, Intrepid Learning Solutions, NIIT, and RWD.  Together, these six companies represent more than a billion ... Read more»

How to reduce costs? Better measure training to help cut expenses.

Ok we know times are tough.  Our just-released TalentWatch® research (Winter 2009) found that 61% of all organizations now rate “financial pressure to cut costs” as one of their top two business challenges, up from 36% only 3 months ago.

So how well are HR and L&D organizations doing at reducing expenses and rationalizing costs?  ... Read more»

The HILO 80 – Leaders in Corporate Learning

This week we introduced an important new set of research and recognition, the HILO 80® – the top 80 organizations we benchmarked in high-impact corporate learning through our High Impact Learning Organization® research program.

Methodology:   On an annual basis, we investigate the highest impact best-practices in corporate learning, looking at more than 50 different elements ... Read more»

Talent Management in a Slowdown – Update

In the last few months we have read more and more about the global economic slowdown.  Jim Cramer, the Wall Street pundit, wrote in today’s New York Magazine, that he has never seen things as dismal as they are on Wall Street.  Today the State of California announced a 5.7% unemployment rate, an increase of ... Read more»

On the Minds of HR and Learning Leaders

We recently completed our annual research conference and I had a wonderful opportuinty to meet and talk with 15 different HR and L&D executives in a special roundtable.   The theme of our research conference is The Business of Talent®, and as you will read, this theme comes through in almost every organization.  Talent ... Read more»

Corporate Universities: They’re Baaaaaaack!

I recently spent a few days in Mexico City meeting with HR and L&D leaders from some of the largest companies in Mexico (Banamex, Pemex, Groupo Modelo, and others).  The meetings reinforced a very important trend which is going on in corporate training today:  the “recentralization of corporate training.”

Over the last five years there ... Read more»