The HR Capability Project

Accelerating HR Capabilities

In our conversations with business leaders we constantly hear the need to advance the skills of the HR team. HR leaders want a way to benchmark their teams’ capabilities, inventory their strengths and weaknesses, and understand how to build new ways to develop and grow.

This has led us to the creation of the Global HR Capability Project, a worldwide initiative designed to address the heroic role of HR, the demand for continual growth in the HR profession, and the need for HR leaders and their teams to benchmark current capabilities and continuously improve.

The project includes the Global HR Capability Model, the Global HR Capability Assessment, individual capability profiles, organizational capability audits, and capability accelerators.

Our Global HR Capability Assessment is now open to all HR professionals. More than 6,000 people took the assessment in its pilot phase, giving us a strong benchmarking foundation. The assessment can be used in two ways:

  • Individuals can take the assessment to get a snapshot of strengths and potential areas for growth. Those individuals who are members of the Josh Bersin Academy can take advantage of capability accelerators aligned to their identified development priorities. See the Q&A for further details. To take the assessment now, click here.
  • HR leaders can use the assessment to evaluate the capability strengths of their teams. Corporate members of The Josh Bersin Company can take advantage of organizational audits, advisory services, and workshops to help maximize talent and plan development strategies. See the Q&A for further details. To find out how to use the assessment within your organization, send an email to

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