Tagged: Workscape

Talent Management Systems:  What Drives Customer Satisfaction?

Talent Management Systems: What Drives Customer Satisfaction?

This winter we launched our second annual Talent Management Systems Customer Satisfaction research.  Now, after surveying more than 1,500 organizations over the last two years, we have a very deep understanding of how this market has evolved.  We will be continuing this research on an ongoing basis, so if you are interested in participating please ... Read more»

The 2010 HR Technology Conference

The 2010 HR Technology Conference

Our mission as a research and advisory services company is to help organizations “dramatically improve their business performance through their talent, learning, and HR strategies, processes, and systems.”  

In this never-ending quest, we continuously find that one of the most challenging (and important) parts of building a modern, high-performing company is the implementation of well ... Read more»

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Beats of Life Even in this year’s terrible economy, the Talent Management Software market continues to show signs of life. We estimate this important market will reach around $2.4 Billion by the end of 2009 and continues to grow in size and importance.

How the Talent Management Software Market is Expanding

  • Total HR spending across all industries, including
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