Tagged: taleo

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Talent Management Software Market shows Signs of Life

Beats of Life Even in this year’s terrible economy, the Talent Management Software market continues to show signs of life. We estimate this important market will reach around $2.4 Billion by the end of 2009 and continues to grow in size and importance.

How the Talent Management Software Market is Expanding

  • Total HR spending across all industries, including
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SumTotal Bidding War Continues – HR Software gets Hotter

SumTotal Bidding War Continues – HR Software gets Hotter

The LMS market continues to heat up as two private equity firms bid for SumTotal Systems.  LMS 2009This week Vista Equity Partners upped its bid to $4.75 a share (up from $3.80 several weeks ago), bringing SumTotal’s market capitalization to over $150 Million.  (This is nearly twice the market cap of Saba, who’s revenues are ... Read more»

The Talent Management Software Slump

The Talent Management Software Slump

We have been carefully looking at the Talent Management Software market over the last few weeks, and the first quarter of 2009 was a bit of a disaster.   The market for performance and succession management software, which we believe finished 2008 around $520M in size and is expected to grow to $655M in 2009, had ... Read more»

Where is the “Talent Management” Market going?

Where is the “Talent Management” Market going?

As the US economy lost 240,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rises to 6.5%, one of the questions I know many people ask is the direction of the “talent management” marketplace.  Let me give you our thoughts on the trends taking place.

First, the urgency of “talent management” in corporate HR organizations has ... Read more»

Your “Incumbent” HR Systems Vendor – What to do?

Your “Incumbent” HR Systems Vendor – What to do?

I just completed a series of interviews with three organizations going through the important, challenging, and time consuming process of implementing a new performance management system.  In each case (a large healthcare provider, a global mining company, and a global call center operations company), the company is using the implementation of a performance management system ... Read more»

Performance Management Creates Agility in Copper Mining

Performance Management Creates Agility in Copper Mining

Last week I spoke with some of the business and HR leaders at Freeport McMoRan, one of the nation’s largest producers of copper, gold, and molybdinum.  This company, which recently acquired Phelps Dodge, produces over 4 billion lbs. of copper each year, from its mines in North America, Indonesia, Chile, and Peru.  The company generates ... Read more»

Social Networking:  Meet Corporate America

Social Networking: Meet Corporate America

This week I was on a panel at the Oracle Users Group discussing the needs of the multi-generational workforce.  Most of the attendees (HR and training managers) were focused on identifying what their organizations need to do to attract, manage, and integrate younger workers into their organizations.  

Our research clearly shows that the Millenia (20s) ... Read more»

HR Technology Conference 2007 – A Recap

HR Technology Conference 2007 – A Recap

Leighanne Levensaler and I just finished a week at the HR Technology show in Chicago. This conference represents one of the biggest meetings of HR technologists and HR software vendors each year.  As always, this conference was an opportunity for most of the HR and learning technology providers to announce new products and offerings.

Here ... Read more»

Next Generation Performance Management is Coming

Next Generation Performance Management is Coming

Yesterday Taleo, one of the largest providers of online recruiting and applicant tracking systems, announced its long-awaited performance management system.  As we have been writing for nearly two years, it is about time someone started to rethink this problem.   The system is built on a whole new metaphor for user interfaces, giving the manager, employee, ... Read more»