Tagged: skills

Introducing The Global Workforce Intelligence Project

Today we’re introducing one of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on in my career: the Global Workforce Intelligence (GWI) Project. This is a massive initiative we started over the last year to understand the new jobs roles, skills, and career pathways in every major industry around the world.

It’s a big project, and ... Read more»

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Introducing The Global Workforce Intelligence Project (GWI)

We’ve entered a new world of work. Jobs, skills, and organizations are changing faster than ever. And it’s all because of what we call “Industry Reinvention.”

If you want to learn all about how jobs, organizations, and skills are changing, join our Global Workforce Intelligence project. In this podcast I explain what’s going on and ... Read more»

Building A Company Skills Strategy: Harder (and More Important) Than It Looks

Over the last few months, we’ve spent a lot of time helping companies build their end-to-end skills strategy. And it’s not as easy as it looks.

In this article, I’d like to share a few of the things we’ve discovered.

1/ Skills Strategy is Not A New Topic

Many companies think that building a “skills-based ... Read more»

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Too Many Jobs, Not Enough People. Why Is The Workforce Changing So Fast?

In this podcast, I discuss the biggest talent issue of the year: the tremendous need for people. As the unemployment rate plummets and it becomes harder to hire, we have to ask ourselves “why is this happening” and “what can we do differently?” The answer is not just raising wages and improving employee experience: there’s ... Read more»

Eight Learnings About Jobs, Skills, And Org Design. And The Apple Genius Bar.

After many years studying the topics of corporate training, recruiting, mobility, and succession, we’re finally seeing the future of jobs and skills. And in this podcast, I try to summarize what’s going on.

Let me briefly discuss the issues here, and you’ll see much more to come in the Josh Bersin Academy and our research.... Read more»

Guess Who Just Joined The Skills Cloud Market? Oracle. And They’re Serious.

Last year I wrote about The War Of The Skills Clouds, and pointed out that there was a war for “SkillsTech” heating up. Well, it’s now red hot and Oracle has jumped into the pool. And they’re going to make a splash.

Skills Taxonomy software is now a huge market, and it’s ... Read more»

Burning Glass Acquires EMSI: The Leader In Skills And Jobs Data?

As every company struggles to better hire and reskill its employees, the number one challenge is data. What skills do we have? What skills do we need? And what skills are in the outside job market and how do we find them?

This problem, which is Galaxial in scope, is on the minds of lots ... Read more»

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Calm Before The Storm: The Massive Impact Of Pandemic Recovery

In this podcast I talk about the big changes coming from the pandemic recovery, which I call The Calm Before The Storm. And it’s a lot more than Hybrid Work.

  1. The rapid economic growth and stormy, disrupted labor market
  2. The financial storm and likely change in financial, asset, crypto, and digital currencies
  3. The US
... Read more»
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What Is A Skills Taxonomy Anyway? Understanding The Market For SkillsTech

Business and HR leaders are going through a frenzied focus on skills. As the job market gets competitive and employees come back to new jobs, every company wants to upskill or reskill its people.

For vendors, it’s a red hot marketplace. Vendors from LinkedIn and Microsoft to Coursera, Udemy, Degreed, Cornerstone, and Workday are investing ... Read more»

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Skills of The Future: Introducing The Global HR Capability Project

Understanding the Skills of the Future is a massive effort around the world. In this podcast, I unravel this complicated problem and explain the difference between competencies, skills, and capabilities. As you’ll hear, this is a critical topic and one that warrants a strategic business focus.

Then I introduce our big new project, The Global ... Read more»

The War Of The Skills Clouds

I’ve been writing about the explosion of Skills Ontologies from Workday, Degreed, EdCast, Gloat, Fuel 50, and others.  Well today Cornerstone, the largest provider of Learning Management Systems, just entered the war through the acquisition of Clustree.

What’s really going on?

It’s pretty simple. In today’s world of work, jobs are changing so ... Read more»

workday skills cloud

Workday Skills Cloud: A Big Idea With Much More To Come

In the Fall of 2018 Workday introduced the Skills Cloud, a new offering designed to help companies create a “skills ontology” that discovers the skills (and skill gaps) in your workforce. While it sounded like a fascinating concept, we hadn’t heard much about it until Workday Rising this Fall.

Well, I just spent a ... Read more»

Build Vs. Buy: The Days Of Hiring Scarce Technical Skills Are Over

For years leaders have grown their companies by issuing the demand “go out and hire someone who knows how to do this!” This approach leads HR departments and hiring managers to retain expensive recruiting firms, spend millions of dollars on recruitment advertising, and often hire expensive sourcers to try to “steal” great talent from competitors.... Read more»