Tagged: job search

Following The Theme Of Rebirth, Guild Education Now Valued At $3.75 Billion

Back in 2015, Rachel Carlson founded a company designed to help working adults without a college degree gain education through employer tuition benefits. It was a noble and important idea, so CEOs took notice. Today, that company, Guild Education, is valued at $3.75 Billion. And it’s starting to grow like crazy.

Why? Unlike traditional ... Read more»

People+Work Accenture

People+Work Connect: A Bold Idea, Powered by Accenture.

I am constantly inspired by the ingenuity of the business community. As more than 20 million Americans find themselves out of work, employers are going through a similar level of angst. One company needs to lay off or furlough thousands of restaurant, retail, or airline workers, while another needs to hire thousands of people ... Read more»