The End Of The American Dream? How Automation Works To Your Advantage (or Not). E204

The End Of The American Dream? How Automation Works To Your Advantage (or Not). E204

Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin
The End Of The American Dream? How Automation Works To Your Advantage (or Not). E204

What do we do about the American Dream? This week I discuss the explosion of employee and citizen activation (NYC UHG CEO, for example) and how the US economy has not been delivering for 2/3 of the workforce.

And in that discussion I challenge HR and business leaders to re-engineer jobs and work around what we call Superworkers, all with a goal of using AI to increase customer service, scale, quality, and value. I try to warn and give examples of what happens when companies use technologies like AI to eliminate jobs and simply reduce labor costs.

  • Employees will give you feedback, they can “rage quit.”
  • Automation to reduce labor can backfire.
  • Our job as leaders is to help build a company of Superworkers.

Additional Research and Reading

Donald Trump Will Do Nothing to Bring Back Our Dying American Dream (NYT research column)

What Gives Poor Kids a Shot at Better Lives? Economists Find an Unexpected Answer (Raj Chetty’s research on lack of upward mobility in the US)

How To Make Productivity Soar: Four Stages of AI Transformation

Digital Twins, Digital Employees, And Agents Everywhere

Galileo™ Professional, The Essential AI Assistant for Everything HR

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