What’s Coming In 2025, AI Updates, Jobs Number, And Our Big Announcement Next Week E188

What’s Coming In 2025, AI Updates, Jobs Number, And Our Big Announcement Next Week E188

Josh Bersin
Josh Bersin
What's Coming In 2025, AI Updates, Jobs Number, And Our Big Announcement Next Week E188

In this week’s podcast I give you some insights on HR tech in 2025, perspectives on jobs, and what you’ll be dealing with in 2025. We just had two weeks of HR Tech announcements and next week you’ll see a big one from us! (The biggest product announcement in my career, to be a little hyberbolic!).

Topics include: the verticalization of AI, whey OpenAI will compete with Microsoft, how agents will change our jobs, and the implications of the low unemployment rate on pay equity, DEI, talent density, recruiting, and organization design.

For those of you who agree with me on Organization Design in 2025, here is the Org Design SuperClass, which is a “must consume” offering for the coming year.

Watch this space for our Big Reveal Next Tuesday!

Additional Information

Understanding The Job Market (video)

The Org Design SuperClass

How To Create Talent Density

The Definitive Guide to Building a Dynamic Organization

Galileo™, the world’s AI-powered expert assistant for HR.



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