HR Technology 2021: The Definitive Guide. Now Available on Kindle.
Every year for 18 years I’ve written an encyclopedic report on the HR Technology market. It takes thousands of hours and I talk with hundreds of vendors, buyers, and consultants. This year I feel like I went over the top – the report is 44,00 words (150+ pages) of detail on every part of the market I could fathom.
In the past I’ve always published this into a beautiful PDF (which will be coming in January) and then offered it to our Research Membership or other channels. This year the PDF version of the report will be available to Josh Bersin Academy members and we will also offer it through a “research-only” membership as well. But since many of you use digital readers (I spend all my time reading on Kindle), I wanted to offer it in Kindle Edition.
The Kindle Version is good – the images show up and you can see the formatting well. The final PDF version will be much more beautiful and fit for printing, but for those of you who really want to dig in, you can buy it now (only $49). And this is a labor of love: Amazon gets a good percent of the fee so this price is pretty close to giving the whole thing away. (You can download the Table of Contents here.)
The report is designed for buyers, vendors, and investors. I get many calls from all three audiences, and I know you all have different needs.
For buyers, I’ve spent a lot of time describing how the market works, the various new market segments, and I discuss almost every major vendor in much detail. I also spent a lot of time talking about the big players (Workday, Oracle, SAP, ServiceNow) and the enormous role that Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others are playing. I spend a lot of time walking you through what I call the “HR Tech Architecture for 2021” so you can see how all these pieces fit together.
In particular, I dive into the Talent Marketplace space (exploding with growth), the Learning Tech Market (amazing things going on), and walk you through what I call the Employee Experience and Listening market. I also spend quite a bit of time looking at new performance management tools, wellbeing tools, and analytics tools – all of which are critically important. In a few weeks, we will also be publishing a report dedicated to the Corporate Wellbeing space, which exploded this year thanks to the Pandemic.
If you’re an investor or consultant, I want you to get a good sense of the market dynamics, so I’ve tried to explain what areas are growing and why. And the appendix is a detailed overview of HR Tech in general, so you can understand all the segments.
One thing I do NOT do is rate, rank, or position vendors. I find the 2X2 grids that analysts put together quite frustrating – they are often biased, incomplete, and sometimes harmful to vendors. I know analysts love to put together “magic quadrants” but honestly they’re not very accurate. My position is that every HR Tech provider is adding value in some significant way, so my goal is to show you precisely how they each differentiate from each other. You decide which one you want to buy or invest in.
I also believe, having been an entrepreneur for 20 years, that vendor selection should be based on the management team, culture, and belief system of the vendor. Some vendors are run by engineers, so they have great technology but few services to offer. Others are run by consulting or business executives, so they build end-to-end business solutions. You, as a buyer or investor, have to decide which you prefer. So I feel my job is to give you as much insight into the vendors’ various business, strategy, and market viewpoints as I can. (Not all vendors see the market the same way.)
Finally, I believe this “report” is a living breathing thing. Every week I learn something new, so I put information in my blog or publish it into the Academy. So if you do buy the report on Kindle or read it from another source, feel free to reach out to me so we can help you apply the research to your particular situation. I have some pretty amazing people working with me now and we can help just about any company put together the HR Tech and operating model you need based on your situation.
I have many more thoughts to share, and I’ll be speaking at the HR Tech 2021 conference in March, so stay tuned for more to come. And Happy New Year!