Systemic HR

The Definitive Guide to Human Resources and the Systemic HR InitiativeThe Definitive Guide to Human Resources Systemic HR report cover Josh Bersin Company

Post-Industrial Age work requires brand-new operating models and talent considerations. Human Resources sits at the center of this transformation, but how can the function get ready to transition to this new reality successfully?  

The Josh Bersin Company team proudly introduces our Systemic HR® Initiative by releasing The Definitive Guide to Human Resources: Systemic HR. 

Over two years, our global analysts looked at the data and worked with HR organizations around the globe to understand what makes the best companies so effective in their HR functions. Using our largest-ever global dataset with exclusive inputs from our research collaborator LinkedIn, we analyzed 107 HR strategies from four core data sources: 

  • A survey of 107 HR strategies from 1,000+ companies globally, covering 26 million employees, and 50+ in-depth CHRO interviews
  • 12 Josh Bersin Company HR domain Definitive Guide studies, covering 1,000+ practices and 10,000+ companies, with maturity models and frameworks
  • The Josh Bersin Company HR Capability Assessment of 9,000 HR practitioners on 92 capability areas
  • LinkedIn data featuring 7.5 million real HR practitioner profiles, millions of job postings, 250 HR roles, 400 HR skills

We discovered that Systemic HR is not just a new operating model; it’s an operating system geared towards the post-industrial world and is now essential for business success.

 Specifically, the 11% of companies with Systemic HR functions are: 

  • 2x more likely to exceed financial targets, 
  • 2x more likely to delight customers, 
  • 12x more likely to accomplish high levels of workforce productivity,  
  • 9x more likely to engage and retain talent, and 
  • 7x more likely to adapt well to change. 

We call it systemic because HR sees the workplace as a system, not a set of disconnected parts. For the 89% of HR organizations that have yet to arrive at Systemic HR, the Definitive Guide to Human Resources lays the foundation for the future.

This guide will equip you with a deep understanding of the journey to Systemic HR. It will also help you create a roadmap for how to get started, identify what’s most important, assess your company’s position in the journey, and define actionable steps toward Systemic HR (Systemic HR® is a Registered Trademark of The Josh Bersin Company.)

Download the complimentary infographic, executive summary, and initiative one-pager to learn more.

The Definitive Guide represents the first phase of our ongoing initiative. Learn more about the Systemic HR Initiative here.

Additional Resources

Insights from Kathi Enderes & Christoph Bonert