The Definitive Guide to Pay and Benefits: The Road to Systemic Rewards
Recently, The Josh Bersin Company team brought you The Definitive Guide to Pay Equity, which covered the complexities of putting in a system that ensures equal pay for equal work. Now we are offering you a deeper look at the full picture of employee rewards with The Definitive Guide to Pay and Benefits: The Road to Systemic Rewards.
This in-depth research provides the world-class insights and guidance needed to balance equity, personalized benefits, career support and recognition, pay for performance, and skill-based pay.
When you create an environment of Systemic Rewards in your organization, you are:
- 3.1x more likely to innovate effectively
- 2.4x more likely to be recognized as a great place to work
- 2.7x more likely to effectively engage and retain your workforce.
The high-performing companies in our study were also 50x more likely to analyze their rewards programs and identify the features that candidates and employees find valuable. If you are one of those companies, you likely have a list of several unused benefits and found that your employees value flexibility, career growth, and purpose even more than remote work.
With a Corporate Membership, you can access the full version of The Definitive Guide to Pay and Benefits: The Road to Systemic Rewards, with the case studies, recommendations, guidance, and insights your organization needs for the future. To review the complimentary infographic and learn how to implement the guidance in The Definitive Guide to Pay and Benefits: The Road to Systemic Rewards to make transformative changes in your organization through a Corporate Membership, please submit the form below:
Global Analyst and SVP of Research Kathi Enderes shares significant findings, key insights, and major implications of the systemic rewards research in this highlight video:
Related Resources:
- Josh Bersin Article: Why Do Corporate Pay Practices Feel Broken? Because They Are.
- Podcast: Why Do Corporate Pay Practices Feel So Broken?